Embracing Creativity with a Business Mindset

By Joseph Strain

No Silver Bullet & “But I’ll Know”

read time 4 minutes

Here two thought provoking and insightful concepts I’ve taken away from this weeks episode of Modern Wisdom by Chris Williamson with this weeks guest Alex Hormozi. I highly recommend the episode as Chris goes over the 21 greatest lessons he’s taken from Alex Hormozi during his meteoric rise.

Today's Roadmap:

  • Mindset: No silver bullet, just 100 golden bb’s
  • Reflection: “But I’ll know”

Modern Wisdom Drops Truth Bombs 💣

Yesterday Modern Wisdom with Chris Williamson dropped his newest episode with Alex Hormozi. And it’s full of great insights into business and life.

video preview

The first golden nugget Alex talked about was something that has been said over and over again. There is no magic bullet for success. It is in the details. Death by 100 golden bb’s, but never a magic bullet to make the kill shot and help you find success. The context of this came out when discussing his perfectionist mindset. That if someone is working for him, they might as well do it right the first time, since no matter what, it will need to be done the right way no matter how many times it take. So it might as well be the first time, to save everyone a little bit of time.

It ties perfectly with one of Chris’ favorite quotes, because although there may be a 100 things to do, you need to do the thing(s) in order to get the results you want.

Talking about the thing, planning to do the thing, writing about doing the thing…. Re all not doing the thing.

if something’s needs to get done. Certain way to be successful, that is the way it must be done.

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There is no magic bullet. There is only doing each and everything.

My goal for 2024 is doing the thing(s).

🤥 “But I’ll Know”

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Another great moment from the podcast at 57:07 is talking about giving things your all. That most of are aware that we aren’t giving everything our all 99% of the time. And that no one knows that for sure except for us.

I wanted to use this as an excuse to challenge myself and everyone reading to push yourself to the absolute maximum for at least one part of your day and see how it feels. The body and the mind truly are remarkable. What happens when we push ourselves to the limit, do we get hurt? Or do we find there is a deeper level to tap in to?

I know I could have pushed it harder in my workout class this morning. So I will just have to push it a little harder tomorrow.

Only you know if you’ve got more left in the tank. And sure we can’t always give it our all. But with only tidy promised… how much gas are you willing to save for a trip you may never take?

Go further today. And check out the modern wisdom episode, it’s truly a great resource for thought provoking discussion and ideas.

See you next week.

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By Joseph Strain No Silver Bullet & “But I’ll Know” read time 4 minutes Here two thought provoking and insightful concepts I’ve taken away from this weeks episode of Modern Wisdom by Chris Williamson with this weeks guest Alex Hormozi. I highly recommend the episode as Chris goes over the 21 greatest lessons he’s taken from Alex Hormozi during his meteoric rise. Today's Roadmap: Mindset: No silver bullet, just 100 golden bb’s Reflection: “But I’ll know” Modern Wisdom Drops Truth Bombs 💣...

The Tuesday Two a JoyRush Newsletter

By Joseph Strain No Silver Bullet & “But I’ll Know” read time 4 minutes Here two thought provoking and insightful concepts I’ve taken away from this weeks episode of Modern Wisdom by Chris Williamson with this weeks guest Alex Hormozi. I highly recommend the episode as Chris goes over the 21 greatest lessons he’s taken from Alex Hormozi during his meteoric rise. Today's Roadmap: Mindset: No silver bullet, just 100 golden bb’s Reflection: “But I’ll know” Modern Wisdom Drops Truth Bombs 💣...

By Joseph Strain No Silver Bullet & “But I’ll Know” read time 4 minutes Here two thought provoking and insightful concepts I’ve taken away from this weeks episode of Modern Wisdom by Chris Williamson with this weeks guest Alex Hormozi. I highly recommend the episode as Chris goes over the 21 greatest lessons he’s taken from Alex Hormozi during his meteoric rise. Today's Roadmap: Mindset: No silver bullet, just 100 golden bb’s Reflection: “But I’ll know” Modern Wisdom Drops Truth Bombs 💣...